Ambassadors of the USA

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United States of America
Flag of United States of America   Coat of Arms of United States of America

On the map

Map of United States of America

USA, as being one of the largest organization has a really good organized Ambassadors, and they are organized in Ambassadorial Affairs department, working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Contacting an Ambassador

If you are looking to speak with a USA Ambassador regarding diplomatic proceedings in your home country, please;

  • Check the Status of the Embassy (To understand the political situation)
  • Send an in-game message to the Ambassador (Even if the Embassy is closed)
  • If there is no reply within 72 hours, please contact the Minister of Foreign Affairs (MOFA)
  • If there has been no reply after a further 72 hours and the matter is urgent, please contact the Country President.
  • Director of Ambassadorial Affairs: N/A
  • Previous Director of Ambassadorial Affairs: David Wilson



This is the list of known USA Ambassadors:

Ambassador Name Country served in Began Term Ended Term
I L L Y R I C U M Icon-Albania.png Albania 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
Derphoof Icon-Albania.png Albania 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
serxhio Icon-Albania.png Albania 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
Damon Wnc Icon-Argentina.png Argentina 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
jimbo2552 Icon-Argentina.png Argentina 2013, March 06 2013, May 05
Jacob Daniel Clift Icon-Australia.png Australia 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
Thern alpah Icon-Australia.png Australia 2013, March 05 2013, May 05
kody5 Icon-Australia.png Australia 2013, February 05 2013, March 05
camsgirl64 Icon-Australia.png Australia 2009, January 10 2009, March (est)
Ferdinand von Carlsberg Icon-Austria.png Austria 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
SilentSurfer Icon-Austria.png Austria 2013, March 05 2013, June 05
Jaz Razzle Icon-Austria.png Austria 2009, January 16 2009, March (est)
Fhaemita Malodorous Icon-Belgium.png Belgium 2013, March 06 2013, July 05
Othere Icon-Belgium.png Belgium 2013, February 05 2013, March 05
ClammyJim Icon-Belgium.png Belgium 2009, February 2009, March (est)
Mike Schmittson Icon-Belgium.png Belgium 2009, January 10 2009, February 11
ztown Icon-Bolivia.png Bolivia 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Lucem Ferre Icon-Bosnia and Herzegovina.png Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Dexter Haven Icon-Bosnia and Herzegovina.png Bosnia and Herzegovina 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
huskerguy77 Icon-Bosnia and Herzegovina.png Bosnia and Herzegovina 2009, March 11 2009, April (est)
Lord Nimrod Icon-Brazil.png Brazil 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
ptr15 Icon-Brazil.png Brazil 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Jetsmets Icon-Brazil.png Brazil 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
The Mike Icon-Bulgaria.png Bulgaria 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Crimsonninja Icon-Bulgaria.png Bulgaria 2013, April 06 2013, May 05
DMV3 Icon-Canada.png Canada 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
Derphoof Icon-Canada.png Canada 2013, April 06 2013, May 05
ElPatoDiablo Icon-Canada.png Canada 2013, February 05 2013, April 05
huskerguy77 Icon-Canada.png Canada 2009, February 2009, April (est)
Nathan Woods Icon-Canada.png Canada 2008, December 2009, February
New Saver Icon-Chile.png Chile 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
Namwon Icon-Chile.png Chile 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
Mr. Wonka Icon-China.png China 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
Rushaun Icon-China.png China 2013, February 05 2013, June 05
William Devson Icon-Colombia.png Colombia 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
N.A.M Icon-Colombia.png Colombia 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Namwon Icon-Colombia.png Colombia 2013, March 05 2013, May 05
Frikadelle Icon-Croatia.png Croatia 2013, March 06 2013, July 05
Jamarcus Icon-Croatia.png Croatia 2009, January 2009, April (est)
AODEagle Icon-Cyprus.png Cyprus 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
Crimsonninja Icon-Cyprus.png Cyprus 2013, March 05 2013, May 05
I L L Y R I C U M Icon-Czech Republic.png Czech Republic 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
BordoluReyiz Icon-Czech Republic.png Czech Republic 2013, March 05 2013, May 05
Free_Area Icon-Czech Republic.png Czech Republic 2013, February 05 2013, March 05
Mazzy Cat Icon-Denmark.png Denmark 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
Sle7en Icon-Denmark.png Denmark 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
James Mathison Icon-Denmark.png Denmark 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
Alexandrer Coin Icon-Egypt.png Egypt 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Adam Michael Icon-Estonia.png Estonia 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
jmurrib21 Icon-Finland.png Finland 2012, October 06 2013, July 05
PrincessMedyPi Icon-Finland.png Finland 2009, February 2009, March (est)
Anton Chighur Icon-France.png France 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
Alastor DoUrden Icon-France.png France 2013, March 05 2013, May 05
Frikadelle Icon-Germany.png Germany 2013, March 06 2013, July 05
Black Baroness Icon-Germany.png Germany 2013, February 05 2013, March 05
Waffle House Icon-Greece.png Greece 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
Lemon Vodka Icon-Greece.png Greece 2013, March 05 2013, April 05
Lord Damon Icon-Hungary.png Hungary 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
Kralek Icon-Hungary.png Hungary 2013, March 05 2013, May 05
Eremamizrm Icon-India.png India 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
DurrsakuVjeter Icon-India.png India 2013, March 05 2013, May 05
Romulus98 Icon-Indonesia.png Indonesia 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
Friedrich von Britannia Icon-Indonesia.png Indonesia 2013, February 05 2013, June 05
CrashNBurn Icon-Iran.png Iran 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
crashthompson Icon-Iran.png Iran 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
SinaAria Icon-Iran.png Iran 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
LordOther Icon-Ireland.png Ireland 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
RaiRose Icon-Ireland.png Ireland 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
insomni4 Icon-Ireland.png Ireland 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
Chris Stanwick Icon-Ireland.png Ireland 2009, July 18 2009, July 31
Light Bulb Icon-Israel.png Israel 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
sebastian Magnifique Icon-Israel.png Israel 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
Joseph Schmo Icon-Israel.png Israel 2009, February 26 2009, June 29
Jewitt Icon-Israel.png Israel 2008, December 15 2009, February 26
Sle7en Icon-Italy.png Italy 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
hale26 Icon-Japan.png Japan 2013, February 05 2013, June 05
Kenneth Sutton Icon-Japan.png Japan 2009, July 26 2009, September (est)
angrr Icon-Japan.png Japan 2009, January 05 2009, April (est)
Romulus98 Icon-Latvia.png Latvia 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Crimsonninja Icon-Latvia.png Latvia 2013, March 05 2013, May 05
Jungle is Massive Icon-Lithuania.png Lithuania 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Brave_Fighter Icon-Malaysia.png Malaysia 2013, February 05 2013, June 05
Darknight293 Icon-Mexico.png Mexico 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Squantoo Icon-Montenegro.png Montenegro 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
simplyme83 Icon-Montenegro.png Montenegro 2013, March 05 2013, May 05
Lemon Vodka Icon-Montenegro.png Montenegro 2013, February 05 2013, March 05
Fhaemita Malodorous Icon-Netherlands.png Netherlands 2013, February 06 2013, July 05
Heir_Holley Icon-New Zealand.png New Zealand 2013, March 06 2013, July 05
Roboa Icon-New Zealand.png New Zealand 2013, February 05 2013, March 05
Thomas Killah Icon-North Korea.png North Korea 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
Malpazar Icon-North Korea.png North Korea 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
Clydeo Icon-Norway.png Norway 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
versuchskaninchen Icon-Norway.png Norway 2013, March 05 2013, May 05
Mr. Swagg Icon-Pakistan.png Pakistan 2013, March 05 2013, June 05
Damon Wnc Icon-Paraguay.png Paraguay 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
n4n0 Icon-Peru.png Peru 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
William Phem Icon-Peru.png Peru 2013, March 05 2013, April 05
Sean Virden Icon-Philippines.png Philippines 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
clintCarmel Icon-Philippines.png Philippines 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
NWsFF Icon-Poland.png Poland 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
Black Baroness Icon-Poland.png Poland 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Friedrich von Britannia Icon-Poland.png Poland 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
ptr15 Icon-Portugal.png Portugal 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Gonzobad Icon-Republic of Moldova.png Republic of Moldova 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
One Sky Icon-Romania.png Romania 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
Mr. Wonka Icon-Romania.png Romania 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Lemon Vodka Icon-Romania.png Romania 2013, March 05 2013, May 05
One Sky Icon-Romania.png Romania 2013, February 05 2013, March 05
Ogdensign Icon-Romania.png Romania 2009, January 13 2009, April (est)
NWsFF Icon-Russia.png Russia 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
Thern alpah Icon-Russia.png Russia 2013, March 05 2013, May 05
Inwegen Icon-Russia.png Russia 2009, January 15 2009, April (est)
Malovent Icon-Saudi Arabia.png Saudi Arabia 2013, March 05 2013, June 05
Thomas Killah Icon-Serbia.png Serbia 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Jamey Lannister Icon-Serbia.png Serbia 2013, March 06 2013, May 05
Free area Icon-Serbia.png Serbia 2013, February 05 2013, March 05
Vasily Dzerzhinsky Icon-Singapore.png Singapore 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
Ferdinand von Carlsberg Icon-Slovakia.png Slovakia 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Zack Mack Icon-Slovakia.png Slovakia 2009, September 29 2009, October (est)
portcolumbus Icon-South Africa.png South Africa 2013, February 06 2013, July 05
Malovent Icon-South Korea.png South Korea 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
The Mike Icon-Spain.png Spain 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Renzo Gamer Icon-Spain.png Spain 2013, March 05 2013, May 05
Navy II Icon-Spain.png Spain 2009, February 17 2009, April (est)
Mr. Swagg Icon-Sweden.png Sweden 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
Golpel Icon-Sweden.png Sweden 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
heap seppo Icon-Sweden.png Sweden 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
Nick Everdale Icon-Sweden.png Sweden 2009, May 19 2009, July (est)
DylanBAS Icon-Switzerland.png Switzerland 2013, October 06 2013, November 05
Thedillpickl Icon-Switzerland.png Switzerland 2013, February 06 2013, July 05
Esoteric DC Icon-Thailand.png Thailand 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Eugene Harlot Icon-Thailand.png Thailand 2009, January 2009, April (est)
fegfeg Icon-Turkey.png Turkey 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
call me 0112358 Icon-Turkey.png Turkey 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
Aren Perry Icon-Turkey.png Turkey 2009, January 24 2009, April (est)
Mr. Swagg Icon-Ukraine.png Ukraine 2013, June 06 2013, July 05
Julian Caesar Icon-Ukraine.png Ukraine 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Skarbrandus Icon-Ukraine.png Ukraine 2013, February 05 2013, May 05
Gogonta Icon-United Arab Emirates.png United Arab Emirates 2013, May 06 2013, June 05
Nick E. Stine Icon-United Kingdom.png United Kingdom 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
Joeyhens1 Icon-United Kingdom.png United Kingdom 2008, October 2009, February
Tremaine Icon-United Kingdom.png United Kingdom 2009, Febraury 2009, April (est)
Towl 35 Icon-Uruguay.png Uruguay 2013, May 06 2013, July 05
William Ng Icon-Venezuela.png Venezuela 2013, February 05 2013, June 05

How to become an Ambassador


  • Be active everyday
  • Chat on their countries IRC (if they don't have one, then use the forums) for 15 minutes each week with a government official and their population.
  • Be alert of what is going on in your assigned country politically and militarily.


Complete and post a country report here. In addition to the template this report should include:

  • A summary of what is happening in that country: wars, election results, top news.
  • A summary of the concerns that this country has or that we have with them.
  • A summary of the discussion with their leader (this may mix in with the others).
  • A summary of their general public's attitude.
  • Any concerns you may have.

Every month (or more often if you want to), propose an operation. An operation may be political, economical, social or military. Examples:

  • Military: Joint offensive alliance to attack _____territory.
  • Economical: Reduce these tariffs in return for _____.
  • Political: Put ______ in power.
  • Social: Change the attitude of the people with _____ newspaper.

These operations would outline the purpose, requirements, and benefits.

Why become an Ambassador?

  • Fun to interact with different people.
  • If you like foreign relations and foreign policy, you can be a part of it.
  • The best way to begin a political career.
  • A great government job.
  • You'll make great contacts in other governments.
  • You'll get a good experience.