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Revision as of 21:45, 26 December 2011



General rank 42
Capital Kanto
Language English, Japanese
Population 900
President Alfred Ball
Party Japanese Dioist Movement
Currency ¥ (JPY)
Minimum salary 0.8¥
Average salary 31,64¥
Territories 6

Map of Japan

Last update 5th May 2011

Japan (日本 Nihon/Nippon, officially 日本国 Nippon-koku or Nihon-koku) is a medium sized country located in Eastern Asia. Governed as a constitutional monarchy, Japan has a unicameral parliament styled the eDiet and is led by a President.

Japan is currently unaligned. In the past, it was a member of the Terra-PANAM (January 4, 2011 - July 10, 2011) alliance and Brolliance (March 31, 2010 - September 15, 2010) alliances. The nation was also a founding member of the PEACE GC (August 27, 2008 - November 19, 2009) and Sol (July 8, 2009 - October 15, 2009) alliances.

Icon achievement Hard Worker on.gif Economy



Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of China,South Korea and North Korea, north of Republic of China (Taiwan), west of the USA and south of Russia. Stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north, to the East China Sea in the south.

In the past it was a country of few resources, with several High Grain regions and one Medium Stone. However its location on the southernmost crossing of the Pacific Ocean, only one of two such crossings, gave Japan a prime strategic position. Nowadays, Japan is rich in food related resources, making it one of the minor food exporters in this part of the World.

Region Original Current Resource
Chubu Icon-Japan.png Icon-Japan.png Icon - Deer.png Deer
Hokkaido Icon-Japan.png Icon-Japan.png Icon - Deer.png Deer
Kanto Icon-Japan.png Icon-Japan.png Icon - Aluminum.png Aluminium
Kinki Icon-Japan.png Icon-Japan.png Icon - Fruits.png Fruits
Shikoku Icon-Japan.png Icon-Japan.png Icon - Aluminum.png Aluminium
Tohoku Icon-Japan.png Icon-Japan.png Icon - Fish.png Fish


Product Work Tax Import Tax VAT
Icon - Food Q3.png Food 20% 20%
Icon - Weapon Q2.png Weapon 1% 20%
Icon - Aircraft Q1.png Aircraft weapon
Icon - Moving ticket Q3.png Moving ticket 20% 20%
Icon - House Q3.png House 20% 20%
Raw material Work Tax Import Tax VAT
Icon - Food Raw Materials.png Food raw material 1% -
Icon - Weapon Raw Materials.png Weapon raw material 1% -
Icon - Aircraft Weapon Raw Materials.png Aircraft weapon raw material -
Icon - House Raw Materials.png House raw material -
*Updated: August 25th, 2011


This country doesn't have any trading embargoes at the moment.

Icon achievement Society Builder on.gif Society

Japan is a medium-sized nation in terms of population, currently around 900 citizens. Few citizens are native Japanese with a majority of players originating from foreign nations, particularly from the USA.

With the lack of Japanese speakers, the Japanese Diet along with government-run services are mainly held in English.

The community of Japan was notorious for its light hearted fashion of playing, with most citizens more worried about having fun rather than 'winning' the game. However in recent times, the Japanese populace has become more 'gameplay' orientated.

Constitution of Japan

For the full text, see: Constitution of Japan

Often discussed but never completed, a new debate on an official constitution for Japan started in early August 2009. It most notably included the position of Emperor. Ultimately a vote passed 23-7 for this proposal on September 1st 2009.

Mainly a ceremonial document, the constitution also covers the basic rights of citizens and the guiding principals for Japan.

Emperor of Japan

The residence of HIM Emperor Kokawayoshi Makoto

For a detailed history of this controversial position, see Emperor of Japan.

The current Emperor of Japan is Kokawayoshi Makoto.

The topic of instating an Emperor of Japan has always been a topic of much discord within the Japanese community, with discussions being mired with concerns of such a position being undemocratic or biased towards specific groups. In the past citizens had been nominated for such a position, but every time the subject was democratically approached the motion was voted down.

HIZUMI, Oraizan and Tohru all claimed the position on April 13, 2009 (or better known as Empress Day by some) in what some people have deemed a joke activity to spur activity in the media and to encourage discussion within the community once again. The event ended in disaster, with several cabinet ministers resigning over the affair.

After a great deal of debate, The Imperial Diet voted on Kokawayoshi Makoto being installed as Japan's first official Imperial Emperor.

Kokawayoshi Makoto currently retains the position of emperor despite the losses of all non-national regions.


The Japanese Tutorials, Walkthroughs and guides are located on the Education Pages.

Recently, Sempai-Kouhai Program was brought back to help new players with their first days.

Icon achievement Congress Member on.gif Politics

The Imperial Diet inside
The Imperial Diet outside

Icon - Congress.jpg Political parties

The following is a list of the political parties of Japan. There are many political parties, five of which have members in The Imperial Diet.

Political Parties In Japan

Update : 27 Dec 2011

Rank Party Name Initials Party President Orientation Ideology Congress Members
1 Team Nippon TNP Fruitcommando Far-right Authoritarian 13 87
2 United Lolies of Japan ULJ Akki Center Libertarian 11 63
3 Hello Kitty Party HKT Yoshi Midori Center Anarchist 8 35
4 Shinsengumi SSGM Zetsurin Center Authoritarian 8 33
5 Pork Lovess' Club PLC Kaigefoh Center Anarchist 0 20
6 Cello Azevedo Memorial Party CAMP Afanasly Drago Far-left Totalitarian 0 12
7 Democratic Party of Japan DPJ Minamoto Rika Center Libertarian 0 11
8 Hinomaru Anarchy HMA Minami Saki Far-left Anarchist 0 5
9 Godzilla Party GZP Kyotosensei Center Anarchist 0 2

Icon position country president.gif Presidents of Japan

Kantei - residence of the Japanese President

The Presidents of Japan in chronological order:

Tenure End President Party
2 January 2008 1 March 2008 Wej United Lolies of Japan
2 March 2008 1 May 2008 Yamato Suzuki The Bushido Party
2 May 2008 1 August 2008 Origineel.NL The Bushido Party
2 August 2008 5 November 2008 King Waseem National Party of Japan
6 November 28 November 2008 Antonio Fonti1 Japanese Unity Party
6 December 2008 5 January 2009 Origineel.NL Tequila Fitness Club
6 January 2009 5 May 2009 Akki National Alliance Party
6 May 2009 5 August 2009 Kokawayoshi Makoto Kageki Minshutou
6 August 2009 5 October 2009 Minamoto Yoritomo KNP & ISP
6 October 2009 5 November 2009 Oraizan SOS Brigade
6 November 2009 5 January 2009 Dokomo Godzilla Party
6 January 2010 5 February 2010 KITA Ikki Imperial Sun Party
6 February 2010 5 April 2010 Crawling Chaos Godzilla Party
6 April 2010 5 June 2010 danyeo Imperial Sun Party
6 June 2010 5 July 2010 Dokomo Godzilla Party
6 July 2010 5 September 2010 exReality Imperial Sun Party
6 September 2010 25 September 2010 Sugawara Michizane2 Imperial Sun Party
26 September 2010 5 October 2010 TheReverendSeanV SEES Nippon
6 October 2010 6 November 2010 Akki Independent
6 November 2010 11 November 2010 Sugawara Michizane3 Phoenix Party
11 November 2010 5 December 2010 danyeo Imperial Sun Party
6 December 2010 5 March 2011 KITA Ikki Imperial Sun Party
6 March 2011 5 May 2011 Alfred Ball Japanese Dioist Movement
6 May 2011 5 June 2011 exReality Imperial Sun Party
6 June 2011 5 July 2011 Ecka Stealer of Cows United Lolies of Japan
6 July 2011 5 August 2011 Akki United Lolies of Japan
6 August 2011 5 October 2011 Darshu United Lolies of Japan
6 October 2011 5 December 2011 Kaigefoh Team Nippon
6 December 2011 Fruitcommando Team Nippon

1 There was no president of Japan during the time of November 29th to December 5th, due to Antonio Fonti's impeachment being combined with a glitch.

2 Impeached

3 Impeached

Government Structure

Japan does not have fixed cabinet positions. Please see: Cabinet of Japan.

The current cabinet:

Position Citizen
Emperor of Japan '
President Fruitcommando
Minister of Defense Sophia Forrester
Minister of Finance Oligagnon
Minister of Foreign Affairs Darshu
Minister of Interior
Minister of Gaming
Minister of Immigration

Icon achievement Super Soldier on.gif Military

Japan is a former member of the FIST and PEACE GC alliance. It was also a founding member of the regional alliance Sol, which it has since resigned from. It was a Brolliance member, and since January 2011 is member of PANAM alliance.

Current Alliances

Imperial Army

The Japanese Military is currently split up amongst two organizations, the Japanese Imperial Army and the Japanese Imperial Navy.


South Korea

Japan engaged in a war with South Korea shortly after the war module came online. The war was long and hard however in the end victory was in Japan's hands, they took the whole of South Korea in an undramatic conquest. See the Japan-South Korea War.

In November 2008, ATLANTIS backed freedom-fighters liberated the regions of Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheongnam-do and Gyeongsangnam-do. These three territories remained sovereign South Korean regions until May 2009, when the South Korean government decided to form a union with Japan. Sporadic resistance wars occurred during the months between the original resistance wars and the formation of the union. However, none of these resistance wars were supported or funded by either the South Korean or Japanese governments.

An attempt in late August 2009 for independence failed when the Theocrats from Switzerland gained a majority in the Congressional elections, the country was reabsorbed by Japan. However in September 2009 the Theocrats started what became known as the Theocratic War and took control of Gyeonggi-do, declaring South Korea an independent and sovereign nation. Theocrats continued to start resistance wars across South Korea in an attempt to make South Korea a nation under Theocracy. In mid-December, three more South Korean regions were returned to Korean ownership by Japan.

Formerly , Japan was engaged in mutually-agreed training wars with both South and North Koreas.

The Second War with Korea

On May 6, Japan declared war on South Korea, giving a list of reasons for the action, from wanting to eliminate multi's from South Korea to owing it to the country to erase it and let them start over, and also to establish "West Japan". There was Korean speculation that it was "for the lulz". See Also: Second Japan-South Korea War and War of Lulz

The Japanese won the first battle. Later Japan escalated the war with the incorporation of EDEN forces, especially from Croatia. This was unneccessary as Korean strength was not enough, but it did speed up the war. South Korea then signed an MPP with Germany. The first resistance battle of the war was again a win for Japan, but two days later, they attacked three regions at once, winning all three easily in a sweeping set of victories that were hailed by newspapers on the Japanese side.; by the end of the week, they had taken the South Korean capital of Gyeonggi-do and reduce SK to two useless regions. "West Japan" had been established and a "Victory Obelisk" was erected in the former Korean capital.

Resistance battles were started by Alfagrem, but it was the signing of the MPP with Russia that ended Japanese dominance in the region. Russia pushed the Japanese out rather quickly, and with numeric superiority. With Russian support, South Koreans regained the island of Jeju, becoming whole for the first time since the Theocratic war.

The MPP with Russia did not come without a price; upon signing the deal, Russia was able to use Gyeonggi-do to launch an attack on the Chinese region of Shandong, altering the ongoing war over Liaoning.

The war saw the first deviation from the Righteous Nation Philosophy established by Reiji Mitsurugi. It is theorized that this was the point that the constitution of Japan ceased to be influential in politics.

External Links

  1. Japan in Erepublik
  2. eJapan Homepage
  3. eJapan Forum
  4. eJapan IRC Channel