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Voting system · Party elections · Congress elections · Presidential elections · List of current presidents · Country administration

Icon - Congress.jpg
Congress is the main legislative body of Erepublik nations. It is the place where elected candidates for Congress decide about the political, military and economical future of a country by proposing different Laws. These elected candidates are called congress members.

The congress is also called:

In Icon-Australia.png Australia, they call their congress The Senate.

In Icon-Ireland.png Ireland, it's known as The Dail.

In Icon-Israel.png Israel, it is referred to as The Knesset.

In Icon-Japan.png Japan, it is known as the Imperial Diet.

In the Icon-Netherlands.png Netherlands it's generally (in Dutch) referred to as Tweede Kamer or Second Chamber.

In Icon-Portugal.png Portugal, it is known as the Assembelia da República (Assembly of the Republic).

In the Icon-United Kingdom.png United Kingdom, they call their congress House of Commons.

In Icon-Estonia.png Estonia, they call congress Riigikogu.

In Icon-Turkey.png Turkey, they call congress Meclis.

In Icon-Romania.png Romania, they call congress The Parliament.


The Chairman of Congress or Head of Congress usually is the leader of the Congress.

To become a candidate

Run for congress.png

To have an option to become a candidate for Congress, you must be at least level 15 (300 experience points) and be a party member.

If you fulfil the aforementioned criteria, then you just have to nominate yourself for a candidate between the 16th and 23rd of the month by doing the following:

  • Go to your party page.
  • Click the button - Run for congress button.png.
  • Read the statement and enter an URL for a presentation on why people should vote for you. This can be a newspaper article, a forum topic, or a link to your wiki citizen page.
  • Click "Agree".
  • The screen will refresh and you will get the message:
You have applied to represent your party in the congress elections. The party president will select the official candidates on the 24th.
  • The Run for Congress button will be replaced with two new buttons:
• "Resign candidacy" to resign from the candidacy;
Congress candidate options.png
• "Edit Presentation" to edit the URL for your presentation.

On the 24th the list of congressional candidates will be closed and the party president will have the ability to manage the position of the candidates on this list.

Only candidates from the top five parties will be allowed to run for office.
Country Presidents are NOT allowed to run for Congress during their presidential term.

Number of Congress seats in a country

The maximum number of Congress members depends on the number of regions the country has. In most cases, the available Congress seats in a country are 40 seats (if a country has between 4 and 40 regions).

Election day

Main article: Voting system

On the main page, above the Feeds, there will be displayed a blue frame mentioning that is an election day (as well as a small blue notification pop up in the bottom left corner of the screen). Clicking on that frame/notification, you will be redirected to the voting page.
Alternatively, you can access the voting page through the menu; Community --> Elections. (Note: This page is available all the time in order to see past elections results.)

When expressing your choice in the Congress Elections, you will choose a party.
You can view the list of the candidate congress members of each party.

The old Congress members lose their seats the second day after the Congress elections. That is on 27th of each month, due to the 24-hour period of the Election Review.

Duties of Congress members

Administration page where the country's Congress members can propose various laws

Most countries have a slightly more advanced system where Congress members can register at forums to discuss and decide on a lot more things than just sitting and voting on proposals.

Laws that can be proposed

Clicking on "propose a law" button on the Country administration page enables a congress member to make one of the following proposals. Note that Congress member can only make two (2) law proposals per mandate.

Icon taxes.gif Change taxes
Note: Neither one of the taxes cannot be lower than 1%, while Import tax cannot be higher than 99%, VAT higher than 25 % and Work tax higher than 50%.
Icon donation.gif Country donations
Transfer currency from the country's treasury to an organization. During the twenty-four hour voting period the proposed currency due for donation is "frozen" and rendered unusable.
Icon wage.gif Minimum wage
Change the minimum employee salary given by companies. Cannot be lower than Icon - Money.png 0.10 CC.
Icon issue.gif Issue money
Take gold from the treasury and replace it by the local currency. Includes paying a transaction tax which is deducted at a rate of Icon - Gold.gif 0.005 GOLD per Icon - Money.png 1 CC.
Icon impeachment.png President Impeachment
Remove the President and replace him with whichever previous presidential candidate received the second-highest vote score on the presidential elections. Requires 66% of Congress votes to be passed.
Icon naturalenemy.gif Natural enemy
Members of congress or president can propose neighboring country as their natural enemy. If agreed, a free war will be started with the natural enemy.

Laws that can be proposed by

President: New citizen message · MPP · Declare war · Airstrike · Propose peace · Trade embargo · Resource concession · Leave alliance · Change alliance leader
Congress: Country donations · Minimum wage · President impeachment · Issue money · Change taxes · Accepting citizenship
Either President or Congress: Natural enemy
Dictator: Any of the above Laws except New citizen message and President impeachment

Under dictatorship

Main article: Dictatorship

If there is a dictator on power in the country, the President and congressmen don’t officially lose their positions, but they are powerless as long as the Dictator is ruling the country. The congressmen and the President cannot propose or vote any laws, or give out citizenship.


The Congress members will receive a notification when they will get elected and whenever there's a law proposal.

The President and the Congress members will receive a notification if their country has been proposed as Natural enemy or as a target of an Airstrike by another country.

Change of citizenship

A Congress member is unable to change citizenship without resigning, as you can only be a member of a political party (subsequently a Congressman) of whichever country you have citizenship in.

Losing Congress seat

The only way to lose your Congress seat is to resign from Congress, through Administration page.
If you leave your party or your country (as of changing region), you will not lose the Congress seat.

See also

Official in-game Politics Congress member · Councillor · Governor · Minister of Defence* · Minister of Education* · Minister of Foreign Affairs* · Party member · Party president · President · Prime Minister · Secretary general (party) · Spokesman · Vice president (party)
*There are different minister position, some are official, some not, but all are mentioned in the article Minister
Military Commander · 2nd Commander · Captain · Soldier · Recruit · Military ranks · Aircraft ranks · Dictator
Economy / Media Employee · General manager · Press director
Historical: eRepublik Rising · eRepublik V1
User created jobs Politics Advisor · Ambassador · Chief of staff · Director · Director of Embassies · Founder · Justice · Minister* · Monarch · Parliamentary group leader · Politician · Recruitment director · Secretary general (alliance) · Secretary of Defense · Senator · Speaker · Vice president (country) ·
*There are different minister position, some are official, some not, but all are mentioned in the article Minister
Military Advisor · Chief of staff · Commanding officer · Executive officer · Officer · Staff officer · Supreme Commander
Economy / Media Advisor · Editor · Founder · Graphic designer · Journalist