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(Fixed taxes template)
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=== Taxes ===
=== Taxes ===
   country=| <!-- If country is provided, nothing more is needed and other values don't have any effect on the output -->
   |worktax = 1%
  worktax= 5 %|
   |foodimporttax = 10%
   foodimporttax= 5 %|
   |foodvat = 1%
   foodvat= 5 %|
   |weaponimporttax = 10%
   weaponimporttax= 5 %|
   |weaponvat = 1%
   weaponvat= 5 %|
   |aircraftimporttax = 20%
   frmimporttax= 99 %|
  |aircraftvat = 1%
   wrmimporttax= 99 %|
   |movingimporttax = 99%
   hrmimporttax= 99 %|
  |movingvat =1%
   |houseimporttax = 20%
  |housevat = 1%
   houseimporttax= 5 %|
   |frmimporttax = 10%
  housevat= 5 %|
   |wrmimporttax = 10%
   movingimporttax= 99 %|
   |armimporttax = 35%
  movingvat= 1 %|
   |hrmimporttax = 99%
   hospitalimporttax= 1 %|
  hospitalvat= 1 %|
Updated: ''February 26, 2020''
   defenseimporttax= 1 %|
  defensevat= 1 %|
}}Updated: ''November 27, 2015''
===Country trading embargoes===
===Country trading embargoes===

Revision as of 17:54, 25 February 2020

Flag of Hungary   Coat of Arms of Hungary

On the map

General rank 8
Country power 4,638
Anthem Himnusz
Capital Central Hungary
Alliance Pacifica
Language Hungarian
Population 2,241
Average level 55
President Hercules7
Party A KARD
Political titles
vCP earn a Battle Hero medal
MoD Mac Baslac
MoFA Nalaja
Governor T0RONY
MoEd Dunedan
Currency Flag-Hungary.jpg Hungarian Forint (HUF)
Minimum salary Flag-Hungary.jpg 8 HUF
Average salary Flag-Hungary.jpg 145.51 HUF
Food bonus 60%
Weapon bonus 100%
House bonus 70%
Territories 27
Natural enemy Austria
Forum Congress forum
IRC #erephu

Map of Hungary

Last update 20 August 2016

Hungary is a country located in Europe. Its neighbours are Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria.

Hungary has always played an important role in the New World history, being one of the strongest nations, ever since the index-boom.

Tab society.png Society

Icon-Hungary.png Geography

The original seven regions of Hungary are located in the Carpathian Basin in Central Europe. The capital of Hungary is Budapest.

The original territory of Hungary is composed of several regions: Central Hungary (occupied by Icon-USA.png), Central Transdanubia (occupied by Icon-USA.png), Northern Great PlainNorthern Hungary (occupied by Icon-Ukraine.png), Southern Great PlainSouthern Transdanubia, and Western Transdanubia.

Its current territories are listed below:

Original Owner Resource Map
Southern Transdanubia Icon-capital.gif Icon-Hungary.png Icon - Fruits.png Fruits Region-Southern Transdanubia.png
Northern Great Plain Icon-Hungary.png Icon - Cattle.png Cattle Region-Northern Great Plain.png
Southern Great Plain Icon-Hungary.png Icon - Fruits.png Fruits Region-Southern Great Plain.png
Western Transdanubia Icon-Hungary.png Icon - Aluminum.png Aluminum Region-Western Transdanubia.png


Hungary is one of the older populations of the New World, although not among the oldest ones like Romania or Pakistan - but at the same time one of the most active. The so-called index-boom on 9th February 2009. (and its sequel in April) and its citizens - by now mostly 2 years old, rich and hugely experienced - still give the backbone of the politics, the economy and the military. Many of these players left during the ill-fated V2, and coming back to the game nowadays. The series of smaller baby booms that followed the first two in the next years (2009-2010) gives the middle generations that can also be called experienced players by now, and with the many rule-changes, some of them are even overstepping the first generations in strength and/or rank. The fall of 2010, and the fall of Hungary saw the newest generations come into the game, and adapt to the ever-changing rules quickly, taking advantage of the fast strength-gains.

These three main waves give the very active and strong Hungarian population that numbers around 3-5 thousand active players, who play at least the two-clicker level; and around 2-3 thousand who take part in elections and economy too. Hungary at the moment have no colonies abroad, only scattered individuals live in other countries, but the main population lives in Central Hungary, Western Transdanubia and Southern Great Plain.

Icon economy.png Economy


Product Work Tax Import Tax VAT
Icon - Food Q3.png Food 1% 10% 1%
Icon - Weapon Q2.png Weapon 1% 10% 1%
Icon - Aircraft Q1.png Aircraft weapon 1% 20% 1%
Icon - Moving ticket Q3.png Moving ticket 1% 99% 1%
Icon - House Q3.png House 1% 20% 1%
Raw material Work Tax Import Tax VAT
Icon - Food Raw Materials.png Food raw material 1% 10% -
Icon - Weapon Raw Materials.png Weapon raw material 1% 10% -
Icon - Aircraft Weapon Raw Materials.png Aircraft weapon raw material 1% 35% -
Icon - House Raw Materials.png House raw material 1% 99% -

Updated: February 26, 2020

Country trading embargoes

Hungary has trading embargoes with the following countries:

This country doesn't have any trading embargoes at the moment.

Icon position party member.gif Politics


The largest parties in Hungary are listed below.

Rank Logo Party name English Party Name Orientation Party president Party members[1] Congress members[2]
1 Party-Hatarontuli Magyar Szovetseg.jpg Határontúli Magyar Szövetség (HMSz) Alliance of Hungarians beyond the Boundaries Center-right, Authoritarian Szempy 261 14
2 Party-Magyar Civilek Partja.jpg Magyar Civilek Pártja (MCP) Hungarian Civilians' Party Center-right, Authoritarian Katrina55 230 7
3 Party-Magyar Hazafiak Partja.jpg Magyar Hazafiak Pártja (MHP) Hungarian Patriots' Party Center-right, Authoritarian denes1es 218 6
4 Party-Magyar Legio Part.jpg Magyar Légió Párt (MLP) Hungarian Legion Party Center, Totalitarian Nevenincsis 182 4
5 Party-Magyar Katonak Szovetsege.jpg Magyar Katonák Szövetsége (MKSz) Hungarian Soldiers' Alliance Far-Right, Totalitarian szeleig 178 6
6 Party-A KARD.jpg Konzervatív Anarchista Reform Diplomácia (KARD) Conservative Anarchist Reform Diplomacy Center-right, Authoritarian classfighter 167 0
7 Party-Kisgazdapart.jpg Kisgazdapárt (KGP) Smallholders' Party Center, Totalitarian Koppany94 98 2
11 Party-M.O.V.E.jpg Magyar Országos Véderő Egylet (MOVE) Hungarian Association of National Defense Far-right, Authoritarian Petyaman 28 0

[1][2] as of 27 Nov, 2015

Dissolved parties:

Logo Party name English Party Name Orientation
Party-A Szent Korona Szovetsege.jpg A Szent Korona Szövetsége (SzKSz) Alliance of the Holy Crown Center-right, Authoritarian
Party-Nemzeti Front.jpg Nemzeti Front (NF) National Front Far-right, Totalitarian
Party-IndExpanzio.jpg indExpanzio (indEx) indExpansion Center, Totalitarian
Party-Koponya Legio Partja.jpg Koponya Légió Pártja (KLP) Party of Skull Legion Far-right, Authoritarian
Party-Nemzeti Honvedo Part v2.jpg Nemzeti Honvédo Párt (NHP) National Home Defense Party Center-right, Authoritarian
Party-Polgári Platform.jpg Polgári Platform (PPL) Citizen Platfrom Center-right, Libertarian
Party-Nemzeti Ebredes Partja.jpg Nemzeti Ebredes Partja (NEP) National Awakening Party Centru-right, Authoritarian

Icon position country president.gif Heads of Government

The list of Hungary's Presidents is here.

Icon military.png Military

Alliances and MPPs

Pacifica logo

Hungary is a member of Pacifica since April 13, 2016. Previously, Hungary was a member of the Mediterranean Alliance, the PEACE Global Community, PHOENIX, ONE, TWO and Asteria.

MPP list


Territorial changes after the World War I. The striped regions originally belonged to Hungary and were lost to Romania in the war. The dotted area was conquered by Hungary during the Hungary-Czech Republic War and lost in the First World War along with the pink region which is in present-day Slovakia. The current regions controlled by Hungary are painted green.
War Allies Opposing Force Result
Hungary-Czech Republic War Mediterranean Alliance Icon-Czech Republic.png Czech Republic
Icon-USA.png USA
Icon-Bulgaria.png Bulgaria
Hungarian Victory
Annexation of Slovakia
World War I Icon-PEACE.png PEACE Icon-Romania.png Romania Most of Hungary and Slovakia annexed by Romania, creation of Slovakian puppet state
Austro-German War Icon-Germany.png Germany Icon-Austria.png Austria Burgenland annexed by Hungary, Germany forms the Austro-German Union
World War II PEACE ATLANTIS Temporal occupation of France by ATLANTIS countries.
Hungary-Poland War Icon-Hungary.png Hungary Icon-Poland.png Poland Hungary takes back one of her original region, Northern Hungary.
World War III PEACE EDEN Hungary takes colonies with high resources in North America and Asia, for example: Heilongjiang.
Hungarian Civil War Icon-Hungary.png Hungary Icon-Hungary.png Hungary Burgenland liberated from Hungary
World War IV PHOENIX EDEN Hungary loses its high iron in Heilongjiang.
World War V ONE EDEN, Terra Hungary manages to conquer Romania fully

Military units

Here you can read a traditional list of military units before the Military Unit feature. Some of these units dissolved until now.

Special units:
Avatar Short name Unit name English Unit Name Commander webpage description
Hun elit unit.jpg Elit Magyar Elit Hun Elit Unit szeku The elite of the Hungarian army
Matasz.jpg MATASZ Magyar Tartalékos Szövetség Hungarian Reserve Corps peter81 The training corps for new soldiers
Zme.jpg ZME Zrínyi Miklós Ezred Zrinyi Miklos Battallion Rhual The 'ad hoc' company, with members belonging to regular units.
Regular Units:
  • Bethlen
  • Bocskai
  • Dobó
  • Gábor Áron Tüzérei
  • Horthy Miklós
  • Kinizsi
  • Ludovika
  • Nagy Lajos
  • II. Rákóczi Ferenc
  • Teller Ede
  • Vasbordájúak
  • Hunyadi
  • Vörös Század (eKP party unit)
Irregular Units:
  • Fekete Sereg
  • Damjanich
  • Becstelen Brigantyk
  • Rózsa Sándor Alakulat (HHH party unit)
  • Dózsa Század (eFKGP party unit)
  • Székely Légió
  • Láthatatlan Légió
  • Vérbulcsú Zászlóalj
  • Tesla Egység
  • Szent István Század
  • Csontbrigád
  • Grabowski Század (SZP party unit)
  • Kerka Squad
  • Kuruc Sereg
  • Magyar Légierő
  • Hun Horda
  • Páncél Sereg
  • Magyar Flotta
  • Falka (eMKKP party unit)
  • IHA (Indo-Hungarian Alliance)
  • Danube Division
  • UTÁSZ Alakulat
  • Magyar Légió

Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gifMedia

Hungary's media is a lively place - and sometimes a powderkeg too - with on an average evening 5-10 articles appearing hourly, and in busy times, like elections or battles, that count can go as high as 25 articles/hour. The high rotation makes voting even more precious, as new articles go out of the latest top 10 very fast, and the top 5 usually requires 200+ votes, and from those 5 precious positions the Military Gazette always takes up 1-2. Also, the highest ranked private papers (like Natural Selection, Agymene's, Achtung, panzer or Median) usually have articles out that by the subscribers' votes can achieve top 5. Therefore, it is not at all easy to build up a successful newspaper in Hungary; it requires not only intelligent, creative, informative and funny writing, but also tenacious spamming on the chat or other article's comment section; careful positioning of articles during the day, advertising - and of course luck, for example to grab a sensational topic first, or write about a previously unexplored field; and avoid the usual mistakes of writing a) badly, b) boringly, c) copying others and d) running into an erep law.

There are a number of MMM project that a beginner journalist can join and achieve the first few hundred or with luck a thousand subscribers.

The Top Newspapers in Hungary are:

Rank Newspaper Name Writer Subscribers Achievements
1 Hadugyi Kozlony.jpg Hadugyi Kozlony Hadugyminiszterium 6010
Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif 15x Media Mogul
2 Default newspaper logo.gif mojov news mojov 4887
Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif 4x Media Mogul
3 Magyar Kozlony.jpg Magyar Kozlony eMagyar Kormany 3878
Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif 8x Media Mogul
4 Default newspaper logo.gif Taking Lives DoomyB0y 3001
Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif 3x Media Mogul
5 Default newspaper logo.gif Arnyekszek G R a V e 2742
Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif 2x Media Mogul
6 Default newspaper logo.gif Karton eTwork AndyMiller 2420
Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif 4x Media Mogul
7 Default newspaper logo.gif Headless Chicken Nalaja 2347
Icon achievement Media Mogul on.gif 4x Media Mogul


History of Hungary

Main article: History of Hungary

Here you can read a few moments from the history of Hungary.

The Hungarian Kingdom

July 21, 2008: Hungary chooses official Coat of Arms and Anthem.

July 23, 2008: Hungary became the first Kingdom in Erepublik.[Disputed] The first (and last) King of Hungary was I. Kárpáthy Antal Király (King Antonius Carpathy I). Hungary had a one day regency on 23rd July 2008. Prime Minister Haglee was then the regent of the Kingdom of Hungary, until 24th July, when King Antonius Carpathy I was crowned.

July 28, 2008: The majority of the congress accepted the decision to become a kingdom, by Erepublik rules, it is now officially accepted to be one.

August 7, 2008: The declaration of the Republic was approved by the majority of the Congress after the win of the PPL in elections, so Hungary became again Republic with immediate effect. The King was dethroned by the Declaration of the Republic.

The Glory and Fall of Empires - Hungary

The Glory and Fall of Empires is an article-series, written by Quicksilver, describing the great empires of eRepublik. The seven parts tell the story of Pakistan, Sweden, Norway, Iran, Romania, Indonesia - and lastly Hungary. The articles are not strict histories, but have a rather novelistic approach, but they are still interesting to those who want a glimpse of the past.

The Glory and Fall of Empires - Hungary

The Fall of Hungary

On eRepublik day 1092. the last region of Hungary, Western Transdanubia was conquered by Romania. After losing most regions, the Hungarian government chose to give up the last two (Central Hungary and Western Transdanubia), in order to save the dwindling gold reserves for RW-s, to have the too many open wars closed, and also to help the Romanian-occupied Russian regions to be freed by the whole Hungarian population fighting in Romania. This was a widely debated and controversial decision, and many of the population - and some even in the government - did not accept it, and fought till the last moment for WTD - against the government and the military leadership even. But without the allies' help, without resources and gold, it was a doomed attempt and ended in a defeat.

The full article can be read here


The Rebirth of Hungary

After the dark times of the occupation of Hungary, the country went through a painful, but necessary reorganization and rebirth. Many new recruiting efforts, recalling old players who left, the re-foundation of political parties, the reorganization of the military, and military strategy, and two highly successful 'diplomatic-governments' (with Country Presidents Sir Moke Shag, AThompson and Gregory Gallagher, and diplomats like Nalaja and Tomi ur) that succeeded to turn Poland and Spain to the side of Hungary and Serbia, to form a true New World Order - all these saw a great comeback from the country. The crushed Rebellion has failed to achieve its goals, but admins finally saw that some of the rules were indeed favouring non-fair-play, and so limitations (like the 10 gold donation limit) were introduced that again made players a deciding factor in wars, not bots or rich people with heavy tanking. This favored the ONE alliance, as it had more and more active players, and it turned the tide. Hungary advanced against Romania, while Serbia conquered Croatia, Poland stood its own against the full onslaught of Eden-Terra, while the affiliated members, Macedonia, Slovenia, Turkey and Indonesia not only came back but started to conquer too. This brought about two huge victories for Hungary too: the dream of many players, Transilvania (Erdély), and the conquest of Muntenia (Bucharest) - along with other Romanian regions.

And the second anniversary of the second index-article ([1]) - the one that sealed the Hungarian baby-boom - saw what nobody has seen so far in the New World: the total conquest of Romania.


External links