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Date July 13th, 2009 –
November 19, 2009
Location Flag-Canada.jpg Canada
Flag-USA.png USA
Flag-Spain.jpg Spain
Flag-North Korea.jpg North Korea
Flag-Norway.jpg Norway
Flag-Finland.jpg Finland
Flag-Denmark.jpg Denmark
Flag-Greece.jpg Greece
Flag-Croatia.jpg Croatia
Flag-Switzerland.jpg Switzerland
Result Dissolution of PEACE
Flag-EDEN.jpg EDEN
Flag-Canada.jpg Canada
Flag-USA.png USA
Flag-Czech Republic.jpg Czech Republic
Flag-Finland.jpg Finland
Flag-Greece.jpg Greece
Flag-Israel.jpg Israel
Flag-North Korea.jpg North Korea
Flag-Norway.jpg Norway
Flag-Poland.jpg Poland
Flag-Romania.png Romania
Flag-Spain.jpg Spain
Flag-Sweden.jpg Sweden
Flag-Switzerland.jpg Switzerland
Flag-Colombia.jpg Colombia
Flag-France.png France
Flag-Russia.jpg Russia
Flag-Hungary.jpg Hungary
Flag-UK.jpg UK
Flag-Argentina.jpg Argentina
Flag-Brazil.jpg Brazil
Flag-Indonesia.jpg Indonesia
Flag-Iran.jpg Iran
Flag-Italy.jpg Italy
Flag-Netherlands.jpg Netherlands
Flag-Portugal.jpg Portugal
Flag-Serbia.jpg Serbia
Flag-Turkey.jpg Turkey
Flag-Ukraine.jpg Ukraine

translated by shawkcn

第三次世界大战,也被叫作是2 009年的大战(Great War of 2009),PEACE方面对此(美国战场)的称呼则是Operati on PIG MAC,是这个世界里的第三次全球性冲突,它发生在PEACE GC与ATLANTIS联盟的继任者EDEN和Fortis之间。2009年7月13 日,随着法国对加拿大的入侵,这场战争正式拉开了序幕。这场战争的绝大多数战斗是发生在北美大陆,尤其是在美国和加拿大境内,但也有少数的战斗是发生在斯堪迪纳维亚半岛和西班牙。2009年11月19日,随着PEACE联盟的正式解体,第三次世界大战正式结束。这场战争的结果存在着争议性,PEACE在战争中夺得的领土,通过和平协议或是成功的起义,绝大多数都失去了;但总体说来,PEACE并未失去任何战争开始前控制的 领土。


2009年7月10日,匈牙利攻击并夺取了英国的Scotland地区,作为两国间军事演习的一部分。这个举动引起了国际间的关注,前ATLANTIS国家纷纷视之为匈牙利入侵加拿大或挪威的前奏。英国首相以个人名义保证,Scotland将不会被用于作 为匈牙利入侵加拿大的跳板。

2009年7月12日,印尼攻击了日本的Kyushu(九州)地区,日本总统迅速撤退 ,这个举动使得印尼得以和美国接壤。

除了这两个接壤的边界,加拿大和美国还与法国、俄罗斯、葡萄牙和墨西哥这些PEACE 国家接壤,其中前三者都拥有在之前的冲突中激活的针对美国和加拿大的共同防御协定(MPP)。




2009年7月13日,法国利用之前开启的战争状态、还有在Operation French Toast行动中激活的一系列MPP,攻击了加拿大的Nova Scotia地区,拉开了入侵北美的序幕。法国和它的盟友们努力把Nova Scotia的防御墙打到了-45万的地下,尽管加拿大和它的盟友们通过坦克作战曾一 度把墙拉回约5万点的无人地带,但最终法国还是征服了Nova Scotia,这场战斗成为了截至当时为止eRepublik历史上规模最大的战斗。 之后法国迅速向Prince Edward Island地区前进,这个地方的人口很少、缺少防御系统,加之其在战略上并无重大价 值,因此很轻松的就被法国征服了。

在未来的几天里,法国迅速征服了一系列地区,包括Nova Scotia、Newfoundland and Labrador和Nunavut(按这个顺序)。法国与英国就Brittany地区 进行了换地,随后又在Nova Scotia进行了换地,以防止其他国家对法国的牵制性攻击(美国与加拿大此时并未与英国处于开战状态,英国是近期才转变的立场)。在下一阶段的战争中,法国攻击了Man itoba,加拿大迅速从该地区撤退,并转而对控制美国领土的俄罗斯发起了攻击,与此同时美国对法国控制下的Manitoba发动了攻击,美加两国所有的这些行动都是为了重夺战争的主动权。局势反转了过来,俄罗斯从遭到加拿大攻击的地区撤退,法国也从Ma nitoba撤退,并立即发起了对Quebec这个至关重要地区的进攻。

Quebec很快沦陷,与此同时Prince Edward Island则于近期通过一场起义战争被解放(这是战争早期加拿大罕有的胜利)。随着西班牙对法国发起突袭,加拿大重夺对法战争的主动权。加拿大利用这段时间重夺了几块俄罗斯占据的美国领土,同时也对被法国占领的数块加拿大国土发动进攻,其中大多数都以失败而告终。西班牙对法国的牵制并未能保持多久,巴西的介入中断了西班牙的行动,法国得 以继续发动进攻。

截至7月31日为止,在入侵加拿大22天之后,法国现在控制了加拿大的大多数国土。法国已经控制了大西洋沿岸的地区,包括Newfoundland、New Brunswick、Nova Scotia和Prince Edward Island,它同样也征服了Nunavut,Northwest Territories和Yukon等西海岸地区也被征服,遭受同样命运的还有Man itoba、Saskatchewan和Alberta等地区(后者曾是拥有大量人口、还有Q5医院与Q5防御系统的堡垒地区),接下来就是大量法国玩家所觊觎的Queb ec地区,这个讲法语的地区因为它的历史原因而备受法国人关注,现在法国需要进攻的地区只剩 下British Columbia和Ontario(加拿大的主要基地与堡垒)了。在经过了历时一个月的持续战斗之后,战场上突然安静了下来,此时法国开始通过换地把它所占领的加拿大领土 交给它的PEACE盟友们。

经过一系列复杂的换地,法国把很大一部分的加拿大领土交给了英国,而英国此时正是PE ACE的盟友,并且英国因为之前的冲突而与PEACE诸国间处于战争状态,这使得它能随意的发动对PEACE国家的攻击或撤退。在英国这个中介的帮助下,匈牙利通过Sc otland作为跳板来到了加拿大,并控制了Nunavut、Manitoba和Sa skatchewan等地区。伊朗控制了Yukon和Northwest Territories,在法国通过PEI(Prince Edward Island的缩写)、Newfoundland、Nova Scotia和New Brunswick等一系列地区发动了对British Columbia和Alberta的进攻后,上述区域被留给了英国。

随着British Columbia的陷落,Ontario成为加拿大所能控制的最后一块地区。加拿大政府开始努力的往Ontario移民,以更好的应对即将到来的最终之战。这个地区的人口达到了3000人之多,这使得防御墙相当的高。最终的换地在2009年8月5日发生, 法国把Nova Scotia移交给了英国,并在第二天从Quebec发动了对Ontario的进攻。这场战斗相当激烈,称得上是eRepublik历史上最漫长的战斗之一。在加拿大及其 盟友和PEACE联盟两方激烈的战斗中,战线在no mans land与underground之间反复拉锯,加时赛一直持续了5小时58分钟。最 终法国与PEACE终于占了上风,加拿大被从地图上抹去了。

但这个局面并没有持续很长时间,事实将证明现在这个局面从长期角度看将给EDEN/美 国带 来许多隐藏的好处。


2009年7月14日,法国攻击Nova Scotia的第二天,俄罗斯攻击了Alaska,开始了对美国的入侵。可能是因为几个月前美俄战争的缘故,俄罗斯本就与美国处于开战状态,并且拥有一系列盟友的支持。但这次攻击还是失败了,这意味着俄罗斯只能等待24小时后才能发动新的攻击。俄罗斯在1 6日再次发动了攻击,这次他们获胜了,俄罗斯迅速向美国本土的Washington(注:美国西北部地区,非首都)继续发动进攻,这块地区随后也被俄罗斯攻占。

当俄罗斯尝试入侵Idaho时,美国选择了撤退。这是个重夺战争主动权的手段,同一时刻,加拿大也从被法国攻击的Manitoba地区撤退。随后,美国攻击了法国占领下的 Manitoba地区,加拿大则攻击了俄罗斯占领下的Alaska与Washingt on。俄罗斯与法国迅速使用了同样的战术,俄罗斯从遭受攻击的Alaska与Wash ington地区撤退,法国则从Manitoba地区撤退。在重夺主动权后,俄罗斯迅速攻击了数块美国领土,以防止美国再次使用同样战术。俄罗斯征服了Nevada、Or egon、Utah、Montana、Wyoming和North Dakota,但对加拿大控制下的Alaska地区的进攻却失败了。美国之所以会在如此多的地区失败,是因为美军的一大部分被派去支援加拿大了,加拿大的国土数量要远少于 美国,因此它们每块都更加有价值。

7月22日,美国和加拿大的盟友——朝鲜与挪威,分别发动了对俄罗斯Far Eastern Russia和Northern Russia地区的进攻,俄罗斯在美国继续前进的脚步被迫停止了。这使得美国得以发动反攻,结果就是美国重夺Utah、Oregon、Nevada和Wyoming,加拿大也从俄罗斯手中夺回了Idaho。2009年7月26日,印尼攻击了Hawaii,使得俄罗斯得以再次夺回战争的主动权。现在美国陷入了深深的困境。朝鲜现在已经完全被俄罗斯征服,无法再牵制住俄罗斯,并且美国现在同时面对着三条战线(俄罗斯对美国中西部发动进攻,印尼对美国西海岸发动进攻,葡萄牙则正在攻击东海岸)。到战争第一个月结束为止,俄罗斯控制了Montana、Utah、Oregon、Nevada、Nor th Dakota、South Dakota、Colorado、Minnesota和极重要的Kansas(这里拥 有Q5医院、Q5防御系统还有很高的人口)。

由于必须应对多条战线的不同敌人,美国无法发动进攻,只能被动挨打。在对俄战争中,美国表现正常,守住了一些地区,尽管这往往是以失去另外的地区作为代价。在八月份,俄罗斯征服了Nebraska、Wyoming、Iowa、Michigan、Misso uri、Indiana、Illinois、Ohio、Pennsylvania、N ew York、Vermont、Connecticut、Rhode Island、New Jersey(这是此时美国第二大州)、New Hampshire、Massachusetts、Maine和Oklahoma等地 区。

最后,俄罗斯和它的PEACE盟友们控制了除Florida以外所有的美国地区。Fl orida如果遭受攻击,这将演变成eRepublik历史上规模最大的战斗。这里有着Q5医院和Q5防御系统,还有全部的美国难民,这个地区积聚了1万的人口,创造了有史以来最高的防御墙(超过100万点)。完成对美国的彻底征服并不符合PEACE的战略利益,因为这将消除它们针对美国的战争状态和已经激活的共同防御协定(MPP),这将使得美国能够一个接一个的夺回他们的领土,就像之前在加拿大和西班牙发生的那样。P EACE更希望看到美国困守Florida、慢慢腐烂,美国的经济将被完全摧毁。他们需要与美国签署一个互不侵犯协定(NAP),按照他们希望的条款,美国将被迫保证不对这些国家发动进攻,同时支付相当大的一笔赎金以把各块领土赎回。这个主意得到了除俄罗 斯外参与各方的认可,俄罗斯希望看到的,是美国的完全毁灭。

接下来,PEACE各国间发生了分裂,印尼与美国签署了一项单独的和平协定,这被证明是PEACE的灾难。因为现在美国拥有了战争的主动权,美国对印尼和葡萄牙控制下的地区发动了猛攻。俄罗斯迅速对美国新解放的区域发动了突袭,试图牵制对印尼和葡萄牙的进 攻,但由于一个“Self Attack Bug”的影响,战争系统被打乱,admin因此暂时中止了美俄两国间的战斗。在这个 bug得到修复之后,俄罗斯已经没有机会进攻美国了。加拿大,刚刚解放了它的大多数省份,现在它开始使用牵制战术以防止俄罗斯对美国发动进攻。尽管俄罗斯试图剥离那些与加拿大接壤的美国领土,以尝试从加拿大的牵制中脱离出来,但整个战局还是朝着美国希望的方向前进。俄罗斯被迫只能坐在原地,看着印尼被美国越打越远、一路西去,最终在9月6 日被彻底赶出北美大陆。葡萄牙同样与美国签署了单独的和平协定,并把它所控制的所有美 国领土都归还给了美国。

在打败印尼之后,美国迅速向俄罗斯发动了一波又一波的攻势。尽管哥伦比亚这个小国从南部向美国发起了牵制攻击,但美国通过不断从遭受哥伦比亚攻击区域撤退的方式消除了牵制攻击的影响,同时向俄罗斯控制地区发动更多的进攻。9月10日,俄罗斯终于面临着生死之战了,北美大陆上所有他们仅存的国土都遭到了美国的同时攻击。俄罗斯通过坦克作战在 New Jersey获得了险胜,这使得他们得以再次保持攻势,迫使美国必须面临着俄罗斯与哥 伦比亚的双重进攻。

现在PEACE打算发动大型攻势了。俄罗斯总统宣布,他打算夺取Florida这个堡垒,仅仅是发动攻击这就将花去超过2000G的费用,更不要说打倒100万的高墙所需的坦克花费。同时PEACE也在其他地方处理着加拿大、克罗地亚和希腊的威胁。但这个计划最终失败了,因为哥伦比亚对Nebraska地区的进攻失败了,在对美战争中失去 了主动权。同时,挪威在瑞典与芬兰的配合下,对Northern Russia发动了进攻,这使得美国重新夺取了对俄罗斯的主动权,这次美国牢牢的把握住了它,再未失去过。法国对美国的牵制性攻击因美国的撤退而失败了,同时由于法国的边界已经与加拿大接壤,所以法国迅速被加拿大的攻击牵制住了(此后很快法国就被逐出了这 里)。

俄罗斯承认了战败,对于最后一块俄控北美地区——New Jersey遭到的攻击,俄罗斯并没有采取激烈的抵抗,取而代之的,俄罗斯投入了斯堪 迪纳维亚地区的战斗,以报复它们给予美国的援助。

印尼 vs 美国

2009年7月11日,入侵北美大陆前两天,经过对日本的数次威胁,印尼开始了与日本的换地,以使印尼能够控制日本的Kyushu(九州)地区,并进而与美国的Hawai i地区相接壤。同时,印尼攻击了中国,借此与中国的共同防御协定(MPP)盟友——美国宣战。最初美国人最担心的是西海岸遭到印尼的攻击,但事实上,对北美的入侵是由PE ACE对Nova Scotia和Alaska的入侵开始的。几天后的7月24日,当战争已经在美国、加拿大、法国和俄罗斯之间全面爆发后,印尼发动了对Hawaii的进攻,同一天葡萄牙攻 击了Georgia地区。

从纸面上来看,印尼无法与美国匹敌。因为美国从未攻击过印尼本土,所以印尼的共同防御协定(MPP)一个都没有被激活,这与俄罗斯、法国和葡萄牙的情况大不相同。这意味着印尼必须单独应对美国和它的至少10个共同防御协定(MPP)盟友。但是,印尼是游戏里历史最悠久的国家,也是最强大的帝国之一,此时它拥有庞大的人口规模和很高的力量等级(更不用说他们那令人畏惧的坦克队伍)。当美国与它的盟友们纠缠于本土的多条战线上时,印尼获得了Hawaii之战的胜利。两天之后,印尼赢得了加州(Californ ia)之战的胜利,这是一个意义重大的胜利。California拥有Q5防御系统和 Q4医院,是美国的高资源地区之一,拥有美国大约10%的劳动力。在短短几周时间内, 印尼在美国南部地区造成了一系列的毁灭,他们征服了New Mexico、Arizona、Nevada、Louisiana、Oregon、O klahoma、Mississippi和另一个有重要意义的地区——Texas。在八月初期,印尼实现了与俄罗斯和葡萄牙的会师,此时的美国仅剩下了很有限的几片领土, 包括Florida和New England地区的几块领土。

PEACE GC的攻击暂时停止了,他们在商议下一步的动向。印尼,与大多数PEACE国家一样,支持结束这场战争并与美国以有利于PEACE的条款签署互不侵犯条约(NAP),这主要是由于PEACE目前缺乏攻下Florida所必须的足够财力与军力。包括美国在内的参与国都同意了这个解决方案,只有俄罗斯例外,俄罗斯反对以每块领土300G的价格 归还美国领土,它认为这远远不够。俄罗斯继续了它对New England地区的进攻,希望能在任何协定签署前拿下这些地方。印尼总统决定单独行动,与美国签署一项单独的和平协定以终止战争,这恰好是在俄罗斯攻陷了New England的最后一块领土——Maine时发生的。这项和平协定在美国国会得以通过,在印尼国会则以13比6的票数通过。但由于混乱的游戏机制,印尼仅仅是关闭了它在美国-葡萄牙战争中的战争状态。尽管葡萄牙失去了一个战争盟友,但美国仍然能够攻击印 尼领土。

在重夺战争主动权之后,美国与EDEN军队得以从印尼手中解放Texas、Oklah oma和Louisiana地区,但由于新解放的领土与俄罗斯控制地区接壤,俄罗斯迅速的发起牵制性攻击。但由于游戏bug,战争模块出现了一些问题,俄罗斯与美国之间的 战争被暂时中止了,这使得美国得以重夺New Mexico、Mississippi、Arizona和Nevada地区。之后尽管美国与俄罗斯之间的战争得到了恢复,但此时俄罗斯已经被加拿大牵制住了,无法发动对美国的攻击。葡萄牙同样与美国签署了一项单独的和平协定,并归还了所有它控制的领土。

California现在已经成为了印尼在北美大陆上的一个堡垒,拥有大量的印尼移民、Q5医院和防御系统。如果印尼无法成功守住California,那它毫无疑问的将是战争的失败者。许多PEACE战士从各国来到了California,以帮助印尼防御这里。经过了激烈的战斗,最终印尼凭借大量的坦克作战守住了California。但印尼无力征服美国。没有葡萄牙和俄罗斯对美国进行干扰,印尼无力攻下任何一块美国领土。所以为了维持这种僵局,印尼对Nevada和Arizona发动了持续性的攻击,以防止美国获得主动权再度攻击California。在9月的头3天里,没有任何领土被征服,印尼与加拿大分别各自牵制着美国和俄罗斯。之后发生了一件值得美国庆幸的事,印尼总统被永久性封禁了,理由是非法获得资金,这使得印尼无法继续维持对美国主动权的封锁。印尼在Arizona失败了,这使得美国得以攻击并收复了California ,第二天Hawaii也被收复了,印尼被彻底赶出了这场战争。


Portugal vs USA

Portugal, like Russia and France, had an open war with the United States from a previous conflict dating back to January of 2009. However, like Indonesia, they did not open hostilities in the war. In fact, Portugal signed a peace treaty with Spain, a long time adversary, during the beginning of the Russian and French invasions of North America, leading some to speculate in EDEN media that Portugal would choose to remain neutral in the conflict. However, on July 25th, 2009, on the same day Indonesia attacked Hawaii, Portugal attacked Georgia. As described above, the United States was not adequately prepared to deal with a three front war against Portugal, Russia and Indonesia, and with the backing of it's numerous activated alliances, Portugal was able to conquer Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, the District of Columbia (a symbolic blow to the US, as this is where the US capital in real life is located), Arkansas, Maryland, Alabama, North Carolina, Delaware, Virginia, and South Carolina.

Portugal was in favor of signing a NAP with the United States, though the proposed plan was scrapped due to Russian objections. Due to the lack of PEACE attacks during the peace negotiations, the US took advantage of the situation and attacked Portugal in Alabama, as well as Indonesia. Portugal was able to hold off two more attacks, but things turned for the worse for them when Indonesia, by accident, signed a peace treaty with the US that canceled out their alliance. The US was now pushing into Indonesian territory while Russia was being blocked by Canada and Portugal by the US. Knowing that the tides of the war were changing, the Portuguese and American governments signed a NAP that asked for 500 gold and a peace treaty (much lighter then the original proposal that Russia rejected, which asked for 200 gold from each medium resource region and 300 gold for high resource regions). In a period of three days, ending on August 30th, Portugal returned all of its conquered territories to the US.

Hungarian Occupation of North America

Due to conflicts raging in Europe, Hungary was able to achieve a border with Newfoundland, Canada from Scotland, United Kingdom. While many saw this as a step towards a Hungarian attack on Canada, the actual invasion of Canada was undertaken by France, on July 13th, 2009. As described above, Canada was conquered and it's provinces divided amongst France, the UK, Iran and Hungary, with Hungary gaining Nunavut, Manitoba and Saskatchewan as prizes. Hungary also conquered Idaho, Montana, Washington and Alaska, which had been conquered by Canada against Russia. Canada was able to put itself back on the map though with a series of resistance war wins against the United Kingdom, and proceeded to attack Hungarian controlled Provinces repeatedly to block them from attacking anyone. That was the fate Hungary endured throughout the entirety of the war, blocked from attacking by Canada, the USA and Sweden (who would occasionally attack Hungarian controlled Denmark), until the point all of Hungary's allies had been defeated and it alone was left in control of pieces of Canada and the US.

A stalemate began at this point. Hungary wouldn't dare attack Canada and the US, triggering their alliances and making it easy for them to reconquer their territory, but Canadian and American forces couldn't beat Hungary, the world's strongest superpower, alone, even when attacking at the same time. The war raged on elsewhere between EDEN and PEACE, and things appeared to be settling with Hungarian occupation of these provinces and states looking to be temporarily tolerated by the two North American countries.

Several attempts were made to liberate Hungarian held regions. Two days after the Russian defeat at New Jersey (making Hungary the only PEACE power on the continent) the US attacked Hungarian occupied Manitoba, coinciding with a Canadian distraction attack at Hungarian occupied Washington. Hungary was able to halt the offensives of both countries, a sign that they wouldn't be expelled from the continent anytime soon. This would be the state of the conflict in North America for most of October that year. America and Canada launched several offensives over the weeks but were always beaten. Hungary's first defeat came on October 21st, when the US, backed by many EDEN forces, was able to conquer Manitoba[145]. This was the largest battle of its time, and is still today listed (at the time of writing this) in the top ten battles of eRepublik, with over 8,000,000 damage points being dealt[146]. Hungary had built up a native population here and built a hospital and defence system as well to defend it.

Hungary then voluntarily returned all of it's occupied regions except their remaining two fortress regions, Alaska and Nunavut, both heavily populated by Hungarians with invested infrastructure. The point of this was to force the US and Canada to attack regions which cost a lot of gold to do so. The momentum was with the American war machine though who managed to steamroll their way into Nunavut on the 25th of October with less resistance from the Hungarians, marking the total liberation of Canada from PEACE control since they were invaded in July of that year. The fate of the war at that point was inevitable. America attacked Alaska on October the 29th, though many Hungarians had already fled and returned to their motherland. Alaska was occupied by American forces, their first region to be lost in the war. With the restoration of the continent to its proper owners, the Great War of 2009 came to a close, though the conflict between EDEN and PEACE still raged globally.

Secondary Fronts

During the course of these events, numerous attacks and resistance wars were carried out in order to distract important countries already participating in other battles.

France vs. Spain

Spain and France, former allies in the Mediterranean Alliance, had been at war with one another since Operation French Toast, and had settled into a cold war after its end. When in July 2009 France attacked Canada, an ally of Spain and both former members of ATLANTIS, it was not long until Spain threw itself into the fray on Canada's side. 10 days after the initial invasion of Canada, on July 23 Spain attacked France in Languedoc-Roussillon in an attempt to stop France's wave of victories in North America. This marked the defenders first major counter-attack, as concurrently North Korea attacked Russia, allowing both Canada and the United States to regain initiative in the war.

The French advance through Northern Spain to take Spain's high iron region, Asturias
France and her allies were able to stave off further attacks on Aquitaine and Rhone Alps, and even re-conquered Languedoc. Lanquedoc was conquered by the Spanish once more several days later, allowing Spain to open several attacks into the French heartland. Spain was only put to a stop when Brazil attacked Spain at the Canary Islands. At this time it became apparent to the PEACE leadership that Spain had to be dealt with, though it would have to wait until France had finished in Canada. At the beginning of August, after defeating the Canadians in their last province of Ontario and securing all their original territories from the Spainish, France struck at Spain in Navarra[147]. From there French forces made a bee line movement through Basque Country and Cantabria for the high iron region of Asturias, the main crux in the Spanish war economy. It's capture dealt a blow not only to Spain, but her many allies as it was their only reliable source of weapons.

By the end of August France had mopped up the rest of Spanish resistance, conquering Madrid, their final region, on the 20th. This gave PEACE complete dominance of the Iberian Peninsula, as well as almost all of Western Europe, the exception being the three Scandinavian nations.

Resistance Wars against Hungary

Resistance Wars against Indonesia

Ukraine vs Romania

North Korea vs Russia

Brazil vs Spain

Indonesia vs Japan

Resistance Wars against France

Resistance Wars against Iran

Resistance Wars against Brazil

Resistance Wars against Romania

Resistance Wars against Russia

Resistance Wars against USA

Resistance Wars against Canada

Resistance Wars against United Kingdom

Resistance Wars against Portugal

PEACE Internal Conflicts

Internal conflicts are arrangements made within an alliance to swap regions for strategic purposes.

Hungary vs United Kingdom

World War III began as a "training war" between Hungary and the United Kingdom, and Indonesia and Japan. The two larger nations attacked and occupied provinces in the two smaller nations. These strategic moves were viewed in North America as the opening moves of a new war, despite the claims of neutrality and "training wars" by those nations involved.

Japan vs Indonesia

The Japanese region of Kyushu was taken by the Indonesians for a border into the United States. The region was acquired on the 11th of July, 2009 and returned 17 days later after the Indonesians had established a foothold in North America, in particular California.

United Kingdom vs France

The war between the United Kingdom and France was a war of convenience. The United States could not attack the United Kingdom without an expensive declaration of war, meaning that the regions the United Kingdom taken from France were safe from attacks by the United States and Canada.

Colombia-Mexico War

Read Colombia-Mexico War


PEACE initially benefited greatly from the conflict, with member states Indonesia, Hungary, Russia, Iran, the United Kingdom, France, Portugal and Colombia all conquering enemy territories. Many traditional enemies of PEACE, like Canada, Spain and the Theocrats in Switzerland lost the entirety of their countries, while the US was reduced to Florida. It also provided increased interest in PEACE nations (Russia and France) as well as important economic gains (Hungary specifically who also came to posses the High Iron Chinese region of [Heilongjiang]).

Overall the outcome of the war was an EDEN triumph though, as the second half of the war saw sustained victories for their side against PEACE. All the aforementioned nations were defeated, except for Portugal who signed a peace treaty with the United Sates (see Portugal Vs. USA). Spain and Canada led successful resistance wars in their nations that saw the complete defeat of French forces and the restoration of their countries, a contributing factor to the steep French population decrease. Iran and Indonesia spent almost their entire treasuries defending their regions in North America but were ultimately unsuccessful. PEACE had spent much gold building infrastructure in their occupied territories to stave off any counter attacks, only to have them demolished by EDEN forces. Indonesians, Iranians and Hungarians who moved to these regions by the hundreds to bolster their defenses, as well as new players who started off in these controlled territories, were stuck behind enemy lines, and hundreds stayed there after wards and died off due to frustration or not understanding the game properly yet.

Indonesia particularly suffered an exodus of players who felt cheated by the game and frustrated by their losses in North America as well as their continued loses in Asia against EDEN forces, declining from a population of 15,000 to just under 8,000 in a few weeks.

The war served to unify the former nations of ATLANTIS who had broken into two different alliances after the Swedish and Polish invasion of Germany, who formed under the new EDEN alliance. The Eden Mobile Corps became a highly efficient and devastating tanking unit, while the PEACE equivalent, the Peace Keepers, never really got off the ground.

PEACE Global Community suffered greatly from the war, and only a month after the war ended, member states began to leave the alliance until the point it had become defunct and replaced by the smaller PHOENIX alliance while the other former members of PEACE pursued different foreign policies. This fracture allowed EDEN to strike back at their enemies eventually, with Iran, Hungary and Indonesia suffering loses in Asia against the United States and France and Germany being occupied by Spain and Poland respectively.